LX-220A 成型机

LX-220A 天地盖自动制盒机采用PLC编程控制器,触摸屏人机界面,全电脑功能参数的设置及故障显示、故障停机功能。只需人工定位,自动引取、进盒、包边、折耳成型,所有动作一次性完成。抓盒机械手为伺服导轨加滑块模式,耐磨且稳定性极高。成型机可用档位控制,极好的解决了盒子上线的密度。生产制作全过程自动化,极大的提高了生产效率,减少了人力资源的浪费。该设备性能稳定。
LX - 220 - a automatic control box of the heavens and the earth cover machine adopts PLC programmable controller, touch screen man-machine interface, full computer function parameter setting and fault display, fault stop function. Artificial positioning, can automatically fetch, into the box, fold the side molding, all the action at once. Catching box of manipulator for servo model of guide rail and slide block, wear resistance and high stability. Control machine available gear, excellent solution density of the box online. Whole production process automation, greatly improves the production efficiency, reduce the waste of human resources. The equipment performance is stable.
This machine is suitable for all kinds of luxury box, such as: mobile phone boxes, hand 鉓 boxes, watch boxes, pen boxes, gift boxes, electronic product packaging, etc to cover box production.